Conference in 2011

International Scientific Conference "Statistics of the XXI Century: New Challenges, New Opportunities" was held in May 19-20 2011 as the presentation of The Department of Statistics and Demography in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiyv.

The conference was attended by 68 leading national and foreign scientists and practitioners in statistics from four countries. In particular, three representatives of Polish Economic University (Krakow, Poznan), three - from the Russian Federation (State University of Management, NDU "High School of Economics", Moscow), two - from the Republic of Belarus (Belarus State Economic University, Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperation, Minsk). Ukrainian scientific center was represented by scientists and academics: Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiyv, National University of "Kyiv-Mohylanska Academy", Kyiv National Trade and Economic University, National Academy of Statistics, Accounting and Audit (Kyiv), the Institute of Demography and Social Studies of M. V. Ptukha NAS of Ukraine, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Kharkiv National University of V. Karazin, The National University “Yaroslav the Wise Law Academy of Ukraine” (Kharkiv), Bukovinskiy LSAF, PVNZ "Bukovinskiy University", Financial and Economic Academy of Feodosiya of Kiev University of market relations.



Honorable guests of the conference were academics of the Department of Statistics of Kyiv National Economic University and a coryphaeus of the national demographics, author of fundamental textbooks in this area – Associate professor Sofia H. Stetsenko.




The conference was focused on four research areas:

• Historical origins of the Statistics: contemporary conditions and perspectives of development.

• Statistical regularities of social and demographic processes.

• Problems of data ware of macroeconomic processes analysis.

• Modern business statistics.

Problems of modern training of the professional statisticians in national universities were discussed actively at the Conference. Also a round table on topic: "International cooperation in the scientific statistical and demographic research" was conducted. The main issues were:

1. National experience of the official statistics usage for socio-demographic phenomena and processes research.

2. Problem methodological issues of statistical processing and actualization of census materials in Poland in 2011 and Ukraine in 2012.

3. Actual aspects of the study of contemporary demographic processes in Eastern Europe.

Chairmen of sections noticed that the level of the presented scientific reports met the requirements of modernity. All the participants spoke meritoriously about the Conference organization.