The Conference “Statistics of XXI century: New Challenges, New Opportunities”

is organized by

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kiyv


Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv today is a classic university with a distinct research profile, and the leading contemporary academic and educational hub of Ukraine. Its history dates back to November 8, 1833, when its establishment was supported by C.C. Uvarov, then Minister of Education, who founded the Imperial University of Saint Volodymyr with the transfer to Kyiv of the Polish Kremenets High School. The inauguration of the university was on July 15, 1834, the Memorial Day of Saint Prince Volodymyr.

The high status of a classical research university is underpinned by the numerous academic achievements of its staff.

There are 14 Faculties within the university: Geography, Geology, Economics, History, Cybernetics, Mathematics and Mechanics, Preparatory, Sociology, Radiophysics, Psychology, Physics, Philosophy, Chemistry, and Law. There are 7 Institutes: an Institute of Biology Research Centre, a Military Academy, a High Technology Centre, a School of Journalism, the Institute of International Relations, a Postgraduate Education Centre, and the Institute of Linguistics. Kyiv University has a number of other facilities, including: a Ukrainian Studies Centre, a Geological and Zoological Museum, a Museum of the History of the University, an Interfaculty Museum of Linguistics, an Informatics Centre, an Astronomical Observatory, publishing and reprographics unit called "Kyiv University", and the Maksymovych Academic Library. At the time of writing, 3,459,752 specimens of documents were held in inventory.


All participants will have the opportunity to familiarize with one of the most beautiful cities in the world - the ancient Kyiv.





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